Graph class

Here's a simple Graph data structure that builds upon the previous Vertex data structure. The graph maintains an inner dictionary of all the vertices in it and a count of the vertices. There are functions to create vertex and add edges between two vertices that internally call Vertex member functions


#ifndef __graphs__graph__
#define __graphs__graph__

#include "vertex.h"

class Graph {
    std::map> _vertDict;
    int _numVertices;
    std::vector getVertices();
    void addVertex(char);
    std::shared_ptr getvertex(char);
    void addEdge(char,char,int);
    int getWeight(char,char);

#endif /* defined(__graphs__graph__) */


#include "graph.h"
void Graph::addVertex(char id){
    std::shared_ptr pv = std::make_shared(id);
    _vertDict.insert(std::map>::value_type(id, pv));

void Graph::addEdge(char id1, char id2, int weight){
    std::map>::iterator it1 = _vertDict.find(id1);
    std::map>::iterator it2 = _vertDict.find(id2);
    if (it1 == _vertDict.end() || it2 == _vertDict.end()) {
        it1->second->addNeighbor(weight, it2->second);

std::shared_ptr Graph::getvertex(char id){
    std::map>::iterator it = _vertDict.find(id);
    if (it != _vertDict.end()) {
        return  it->second;
        return nullptr;

std::vector Graph::getVertices(){
    std::vector ids;
    for (std::map>::iterator iter = _vertDict.begin(); iter != _vertDict.end(); ++iter){
    return ids;

int Graph::getWeight(char id1, char id2){
    std::map>::iterator it1 = _vertDict.find(id1);
    std::map>::iterator it2 = _vertDict.find(id2);
    if (it1 != _vertDict.end() && it2 != _vertDict.end()) {
        return it1->second->getWeight(*it2->second);
        return -1;


#include "vertex.h"
#include "graph.h"

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {    
    Graph g;
    g.addEdge('a', 'b', 9);
    g.addEdge('a', 'c', 5);
    for (auto i: g.getVertices())
        std::cout << i <<'\n';
    std::shared_ptr v1;
    v1 = g.getvertex('a');
    for (auto i: v1->getConnections())
        std::cout << i.second << ':'<< i.first <<'\n';
    std::cout<< g.getWeight('a', 'b')<

Simple Vertex Class

I am beginning to get back into C++ in my downtime. This is a simple Vertex class that has two members: an id, and adjacency list. The list is a multi map that contains references to the Vertex's neighbors and the weight attached to the path from the Vertex to its neighbors. The references are shared pointers since I didn't wish to deal with memory management.

Vertex header class

#ifndef __graphs__vertex__
#define __graphs__vertex__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>

class Vertex {
    char _id;
    std::multimap<int, std::shared_ptr<Vertex>> _adjList;
    void addNeighbor(int weight,std::shared_ptr<Vertex> neighbor);
    std::vector<std::pair<int,char>> getConnections();
    char getId();
    int getWeight(Vertex);
    friend bool operator== (Vertex & lhs, Vertex & rhs );
#endif /* defined(__graphs__vertex__) */

Vertex definition class

#include "vertex.h"

Vertex::Vertex(char id){
    _id = id;

void Vertex::addNeighbor(int weight,std::shared_ptr<Vertex> neighbor){
    _adjList.insert(std::multimap<int, std::shared_ptr<Vertex>>::value_type(weight, neighbor));

std::vector<std::pair<int,char>> Vertex::getConnections(){
    std::vector<std::pair<int,char>> ids;
    for(std::multimap<int, std::shared_ptr<Vertex>>::iterator it = _adjList.begin(); it != _adjList.end(); ++it) {
        ids.push_back(std::make_pair(it->first, it->second->_id));
    return ids;

char Vertex::getId(){
    return _id;

int Vertex::getWeight(Vertex v){
    for(std::multimap<int, std::shared_ptr<Vertex>>::iterator it = _adjList.begin(); it != _adjList.end(); ++it) {
        if (*it->second==v) {
            return it->first;
    return -1;

bool operator== (Vertex & lhs, Vertex & rhs ){
    return (lhs.getId() == rhs.getId()) ;

Main file for example

#include <iostream>
#include "vertex.h"

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    Vertex v1('a');
    v1.addNeighbor(9, std::make_shared<Vertex>('b'));
    v1.addNeighbor(6, std::make_shared<Vertex>('c'));
    for (auto i: v1.getConnections())
        std::cout << i.second << ':'<< i.first <<'\n';
    return 0;